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Top 5 Mic-Drop Moments from the Transition to Modern Technology Webinar

Lighthouse (formerly OTA Insight), Atomize, and Revenue Analytics have teamed up to tackle an important question: What does truly modern hospitality technology look like? Is legacy technology holding the industry back?

If you missed the LinkedIn Live event – we’ve got you covered. Below are 5 key moments from the discussion, featuring James Harris (Revenue Analytics), Michael McCartan (Atomize), Simone Puorto (Futurist), and Adam Swart (Lighthouse). These moments are just the highlights of this passionate, informative discussion – but you can watch a full recording of the event here!

#1. Michael McCartan answers the question: what encouraged these three technology providers – two of them ostensibly competitors – to come together? What is so uniquely important about this topic?

#2. “The problem is: you’ve got all of these beautiful, human people doing robot work.” Simone Puorto reflects on how legacy technology has created a very siloed approach and encourages a mindset shift for modern hoteliers.

#3. Adam Swart challenges hoteliers to consider the cost of not embracing modern technology, and the ways in which legacy tech can impact both employee efficacy and overall guest experience.

#4. The days of all-or-nothing automation are done. James Harris discusses how configurable automation is one of the keys to unlocking a cohesive commercial strategy.

#5. “It’s almost like you created this Formula 1 racing car, and the only person who could drive it was someone with lots and lots of experience – and you became very dependent on those people.” Michael McCartan describes how clunky legacy systems have created silos and inefficiencies across organizations.

These clips just scratch the surface of this excellent discussion. Watch a full recording of the event here. Or, read the white paper that started it all here.

Missed the event, but have a question for the group? Email our moderator James Harris to learn more or to submit a question for next time.

And to see a piece of truly modern hospitality tech in action, book your demo of N2Pricing today.

James Harris is the VP of Business Development for the Hospitality vertical at Revenue Analytics.

Michael McCartan is the Chief Growth Officer at Atomize. He has over 20 years experience in hospitality tech predominantly in the fields of channel management, business intelligence and revenue management.

Simone Puorto is an advisor with over 20 years of experience, a keynote speaker, and 4-time published author. He founded the consulting firm, Travel Singularity and is also the organizer of the first Travel & Hospitality event in the Metaverse.

Adam Swart is the Global Head of Brand and Comms at Lighthouse, where he has been since 2020.  He has over 15 years of experience in the world of technology and startups.


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